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A Feast for Business Leaders: Don’t forget to celebrate these things during your end of year plans.

Two videos in this article. Check out one or both! The transcript is below.

Transcript: In the midst of the #greatresignation, a lot of businesses are feeling the feast, or famine, of a talented dedicated workforce. I’m Elise, president of Woodworth Enterprises. Like or follow our business page for weekly insights on business, leadership, and innovation. To keep employees engaged, we encourage a strong organizational culture. At a basic level culture is a set of shared principles. A strong culture means that the values and beliefs that make up those principles, are clearly defined, easily communicated, and broadly shared and accepted.

Around this time of year, we all start to think of great holiday menus and end of year celebrations. I’ve seen some people searching for gift ideas for their employees. As a leader or manager there are a few things, without a price tag, you can feast on this November that will help strengthen your culture and engage your team

Set a feast of communication. Use new channels, new messages. Open personal lines of communication that may have been damaged or mistreated during the past years. Decide what message you want your employees, and your clients to hear, then determine how you can convey that message. This also means opening the feedback loop. Feast on listening, don’t just hear, listen. Make sure good communication is occurring and you are ending the year on a good note. Feast on achievement. What have you, your team, or an individual in your organization achieved? Recognize that. Feast on the talents you have and the strengths your business has that keeps it moving forward. Feast on developments that have occurred, the impact the mission is having for the clients. Feast on innovations, changes, and connections that have been made. Feast on team building, collaboration, and growth. Feast on and celebrate your business, the team that makes it run, and the mission it is achieving. Find the good in your organization and feast on it. Talk about it, share it, recognize it. Be thankful for the team, talent, and resources you have I hope this little reflection helps you find there is so much to be thankful for and celebrate during this season.

Sometimes it feels stressful, and for others slow. Take time to realize you have enough, and as my favorite nanny Mary Poppins would say, enough is as good as a feast.

Microbusiness-owners and solopreneurs: fill up on these three menu items this season!

If you fall into these categories, organizational culture looks a little different for you. I know! I’m right there with you. We operate a little differently and we have to feast a little differently too. As you prepare for the end of year, don’t forget to fill up on these three menu items: time, talent, and treasure.

Feast on time. There’s not a lot of it to spare when you are running a business with little or no other support. That is why you should feast upon it! Plan out your work time and separate your off time. Make space in your schedule to do something that you enjoy (other than work).

Feast on your talent. You are the heart, soul and skeleton of your business. Take a moment to reflect on all your talents. Seeking and finding enjoyment in yourself outside of your business will go a long way in preventing burn out and help ward off overwhelm that tends to roll in with the shorter days and sometimes demanding time of year.

Feast on treasure. Money is great, assets are fantastic. But for my fellow micro and solopreneurs, treasure goes farther. Take stock of your social network, your raving fans, and loyal customers. Your supportive friends and family. Then there is the passion for what you do. All fantastic things to feast on.

Feasting on time talent and treasure this fall will not only help you recognize your success but also lay fantastic ground work for a strong culture, if and when you choose to grow.

And if you need someone to share this feast with, book a free call with me! I’d love to celebrate with you!

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