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Innovative Mindset Challenge: Part 4

Everything is fine... isn't it? Don't settle for what 2020 had left over, plan on improving in 2021! Growth comes in many different forms. Deciding to have an innovative mindset will secure you a successful future in whatever direction you choose for the new year.

The final challenge for this series is an action: to add innovation to your plan for 2021. Brainstorm and implement strategies that will work for you and your situation. Watch the video to learn more.


Welcome to the fourth discussion on innovative mindset. I’m Elise with Woodworth Enterprises and this month we have been challenging you to find ways to include innovation in your strategic plan for the new year. The first challenge was to identify where you are and where you want to be. The second challenge was to think about the biggest problem you are facing and what a successful outcome looked like. The third challenge was to identify areas in your business, work or life where there might be problems. The self-diagnostic for this is still available. It is a template to help find those opportunity areas that could use a little innovation.

Today we discuss the status-quo. The biggest resistance I get from people about innovation is, “There is nothing wrong with the way things are, why change?” well if you can truthfully and whole-heartedly say that ‘everything is fine’. Then don’t change anything. But be aware that outside that fine box you have put yourself in, people are changing, the world is changing. Problems arise in the blink of an eye. Fine today, could very well be floundering tomorrow. An innovative mindset is what will help you stay “fine” and if you really apply that mindset you might find yourself in moving into an “everything is great” category. Ignoring and avoiding problems only gives them room to grow. Solving them, makes you, your life, your business or company stronger. It secures, for you, a successful future.

Todays challenge is an action. Add Innovation to your plan for 2021. Brainstorm, and implement something that will work for your situation.

Some ideas to get the creative juices flowing are to Make asking questions, a routine occurrence.

Add a process or set a time to actively seek and solve problems. Perhaps you could have a set of questions you answer each quarter. Regularly survey your employees for ideas on improvements or problems.

Using a coach or mentor can offer a great sounding board for questions and ideas.

Take a course to challenge your thinking. We are offering an Innovative mindset course to help participants solve a big problem and adopt an innovative mindset. It will provide a step-by-step plan for incorporating innovation into operations, give you concrete strategies to help solve problems, and show the way to get others on board with innovating. Until January, there is a $100 off for early registration.

Take steps to add innovation to your new year. You will be surprised with how good the results can be.

This fourth challenge brings our Innovative Mindset Challenge Series to a close.

Whatever 2021 has instore for us, having an innovative mindset is the key to being successful in whatever endeavors you face. But know that however socially distanced you may be or feel Woodworth Enterprises can help you realize your potential, we offer executive coaching, business consulting, customized surveys, and professional development training. If you need us, we’re here to help; ignite, inspire, and grow!

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