Don't waste another board meeting with spinning wheels and pointless conversation!
No board is perfect. It can be difficult to pinpoint the best topic to discuss. Conversations about improvements to a board can be stressful and contentious. There can be any number of reasons and it is easy to point fingers at problems and people. These activities lead to battles. People take sides, disengage, and become resentful. Battle is NOT what a non-profit needs. Every non-profit needs effective, engaged board members ready to advocate for the mission and think innovatively about the organizations continued success in the future.
You can build the team you need with the team you have. With the Build A Better Team Workshop participants will learn the fundamentals of Business Not Battle: the mindset effective board members use to ignite real impact. It can be delivered in a half or full-day setting. It fits well into an off-site or retreat setting. Participants receive a copy of the best-selling book Business Not Battle for Non-Profit Boards and a workbook with quick reference guide. This is what the agenda look like for the workshop:
Recognizing that every team had different needs, the content and discussion are flexible. Customization comes from emphasizing different points throughout the workshop and using a variety of exercises, discussion questions and examples that meet the needs of the group. When time is short individual topics can be selected and delivered in an Ignite Impact presentation to get the group mission focused and moving forward.
Video Transcript
Are you a board member for a nonprofit? Don’t spend another year on an ineffective board or leading a struggling nonprofit. Resolve to be more effective. Resolve to build a better board, a better team.
Ask yourself, what are your organizations biggest needs? One thing every nonprofit needs, is an effective board. That board is a team, that develops to serve its organization.
I’m Elise president of Woodworth Enterprises and I know each team is different. Each nonprofit is unique, but we’ve figured out the formula for increasing any boards impact. Increasing outreach, enhancing fundraising efforts, and improving teamwork boils down to a mission focused mindset. Which is what is taught during the Build A better Team Workshop. Based on the best-selling book Business Not Battle for Nonprofit boards the Build a Better Team Workshop is a customizable training session that will introduce the fundamentals of effectiveness to enhance your team and ignite impact in your organization today!
This workshop is designed to develop people at any experience level and challenge any board to push to the next level.
Presented in a 4- or 8-hour format, the agenda covers introspection, organizational awareness, how to ask thoughtful questions, and the importance of advocacy. Topics can be customized to meet your needs. The workshop includes exercises, discussions, and presentations. The interactive nature of the Build A Better Team Workshop allows for spontaneous customization as the content develops throughout the event. In the longer 8-hour workshop there is more time to work on communication and explore innovation. It can also be split into two half day sessions.
Each participant will receive a copy of Business Not Battle for Nonprofit Boards, a workbook, and reference sheet. This workshop is the perfect addition to a board retreat or offsite.
In a 1-hr format, we can Ignite a better way of thinking with an overview of the topics covered in the longer workshop and a deeper dive into tackling the obstacles currently facing the group.
I use a powerful blend of experience, research, and industry perspective to prepare nonprofits for future growth and continued mission success. I believe what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, that nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. And I bring enthusiasm into each conversation and event. I share the insights I’ve gathered from 16 years of professional leadership, business, and nonprofit board experience. And teach the tools effective board members and leaders can implement immediately.
Whether it’s outreach, or fundraising, or strategic guidance; no matter what your nonprofit needs, an effective board is the answer. Taking time to Build a better team, will result in a more effective board. A board that is in Business, Not Battle.